Dietl, Eduard, born on 21-07-1890 in Bad Aibling, Upper Bavaria,
as the eldest of three sons of a Royal Bavarian finance official. The father Eduard Dietl Sr, came from a peasant family whose ancestors had farmed for over five centuries in an interrupted sequence at Weiden in the Upper Pfalz a farm. His mother was Lina, born Holzhause and together with his brothers, the young Eduard attended from 1900 to 1909 the Gymnasium in Rosenheim
. The later Mountaineering Officer preferred to spend his free time in the mountains and was already an avid ‘Kraxler’ or mountaineer. Civil servants like his father-perhaps as a financial councilor or senior civil servant-didn’t like the native-school graduate. He was attracted by the colorful skirt of the soldier. But it was not easy for him, despite good school reports, to be accepted as a Fahnenjunker in the Bavarian army. The Bamberger regimental commander, in which the bow-legged young man with big ears had to introduce himself as an officer candidate, he appeared from the outside to unmilitary and was therefore initially rejected. Only the successor of this colonel was ready some weeks later to accept, the nineteen-year-old Eduard Dietl as Fahnenjunker in the 5st Bavarian Infantry squad “Grand Duke Ernst-Ludwig von Hessen” on 01-10-1909 During World War I he served as a company commander with his regiment. In March 1918, he was promoted to Hauptmann. He was wounded
four times during his actions in the first World War. He joined the D.A.P, Deutsche Arbeiter Partei
, number 524, and the Freikorps
of Franz Ritter von Epp

As a Generalmajor Dietl helped organize the 1936 Winter Olympics held at Garmisch-Partenkirchen. He was the captain of the German ski team.

Death and burial ground of Dietl, Eduard Wolfrath Christiaan, “Büffel”.

Dietl here standing at the Finnish theater of war between the Generals Ferdinand Schörner (left) and Ritter von Hengl
was ordered to the Berghof on the Obersalzberg, and on 23-6-1944, the Ju 52 aircraft carrying Dietl, General der Infanterie Thomas-Emil von Wickede, age 51, General der Gebirgstruppe Karl Eglseer, age 53, Generalleutnant der Gebirgstruppe, Franz Rossi and three other passengers crashed

Thomas von Wickede. Karl Eglseer. Franz Rossi.
Dietl was succeeded by Generaloberst Lothar Rendulic.
The Chief of Staff of the 20th Mountain Army was Generalleutnant der Gebirgstruppe, Hermann Hölter

Dietl was a founding member of the NSDAP. What has led the Bundeswehr and the German federal government to reverse honours towards Dietl, though, is his recently discovered view on marriages between Scandinavian women and his soldiers, which was “extreme even by the standards of the Third Reich”: after Dietl circulated an order that called Norwegian and Finnish women “racial flotsam”, Himmler himself had to intervene to rescind it
Close to his grave with the “Narvikschild”
is the grave of the 1923 Putz victim Andreas Bauriedl,

hello from spain.
very good job,
From South of Spain in front of Gibraltar. A magnificent piece of research. Very useful.