Bremer, Friedrich.

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Bremer, Friedrich
Bremer, Friedrich, born on 19-06-1886 in Göttingen, as the son of a gym teacher, joined the Army on 17-06-1904, at the age of 17. Friedrich was a Fahnenjunker in the 13th Hohenzollernsches Fußartillerie-Regiment.  As a Oberleutnant and 26th Field Flyer Observer, he entered World War I, but he is shot down  and in Frenche captivity until the end of the war. He remained in the new Reichswehr and climbed up to the rank of Generalmajor in 1937 and commander of the 3rd Artillerie Kommandeur 3, Arko 3 in Frankfurt an der Oder. Here with SS Obergruppenführer, Commander of the 5th Panzergrenadier Division Wiking, Herbert Gille Bremer lost this post and becomes the command of the 34th Infantry Division  in Koblenz. He succeeded General der Infanterie, Max von Viebahn    who died at the very old age of 92, on 07-11-1980 in Stuttgart. Commander of this division he is promoted to Generalleutnant and loses this command again to General der Artillerie, August Wilhelm Emil “Hans” Behlendorff    who died age 61, on 16-03-1961 in Baden Baden and is in the infamous Führer Reserve. The Führerreserve (“Officers Reserve”) was set up in 1939 as a pool of temporarily unoccupied high military officers waiting for new assignments in the German Armed Forces during World War II.  The various military branches and army groups each had their own pool which they could use as they saw fit. The officers were required to remain at their assigned stations and be available to their superiors, but could not exercise any command function, which was equivalent to a temporary retirement while retaining their previous income. Especially in the second half of the war, more and more politically problematic, troublesome, or militarily incompetent officers were assigned to the Führerreserve. . Then Bremer not useful for Hitler’s warfare (see Adolf) (did you know) (see Hitler parents)  (see William Hitler) is already retired on 28-02-1942, age 55, in the middle of the war. Generalleutnant Max von Viebahn survived the war and died 07-11-1980, old age 92 in Stuttgart, and Generalmajor Hans Behlendorff died 16-03-1961, age 71 in Baden-Baden.

Death and burial ground of Bremer, Friedrich.

Disappointed he lives in Göttingen, with more successful, WWII Generals, Bremer is buried with his wife Ilse, born Schütz, who died age 80 on 09-04-1988, on the Stadtfriedhof of Göttingen with the Generalleutnant der Flieger, Chief of Field Economics Office, OKW, Wilhelm Becker, Generalleutnant der Flakartillerie, Kommandeur Heeres Gruppe IV, Curd Bernard, General der Panzertruppe, Kommandeur 4th Panzer Grenadier Division, Fritz Gräser, Generalleutnant der Infanterie, Kommandeur der 83th Infanterie Division , Wilhelm Heun
   , he succeeded General Theodor Scherer,  Scherer died age 61 on 17-05-1951 in Ludwigsburg. In 1946 several captured officers of Infantry Regiment 277, including its former commander Eduard Freiherr von Saß , were executed in Velikiye Luki for crimes committed against the civil population of the city. It should also be noted that the division took part in anti-partisan operations, such as Operation Greif at Vitebsk. Von Sass died age 45 on 16-01-1946. Also buried here, General der Infanterie, Commander 4th Heeresgruppe, Friedrich Hossbach, Generalmajor der Artillerie, Kommandeur 33rd Artillerie Ersatz Regiment, Emiel Klie, Generalmajor der Infanterie, Kommandeur Heeres Regio 593, Walter Krause, Generalleutnant der Infanterie, Erwin Leister, General der Flieger, Inspector of Smook Troops and Gas defence, Erich Quade and Generalmajor der Artillerie, Kommandeur vom WBK Königsberg II, Rudolf Scheller.

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