Becker, Wilhelm, born 27-10-1897 in Hanau,
joined the Army as a Fähnrich, age 17, on 06-12-1914 in the 88th Infantry Regiment. The 88th Infantry Division was a formation of the Imperial German Army in World War I. The division was formed in November 1914 as the Menges Division, named after its commander, and made up primarily of Landwehr troops. It became the 88th Infantry Division in August 1915. The division was disbanded in 1919 during the demobilization of the German Army after World War I.

Wilhelm followed with success a pilot training
from 19-02-1916 until 18-07-1916 and came to the Field Flying Battalion to 05-12-1916. Becker ended the first war as a pilot with the 30th Fighter Squadron
. He remained in the new Reichswehr Luftwaffe and transferred in Hermann Goering´s

Death and burial ground of Becker, Wilhelm.

Becker remained in captivity until 1947 and released he lived in Göttingen like many Generals. Becker, not a real battlefield General during the Second War, died at the age of 66, on 09-01-1964 and is buried on the Stadtfriedhof of Göttingen close the next Generals, as Generalleutnant der Flakartillerie, Kommandeur Heeres Gruppe IV, Curd Bernard,
Generalleutnant der Artillerie, Kommandeur 34th Division, Friedrich Bremer, General der Panzertruppe, Kommandeur 4th Panzer Grenadier Division
,Fritz Graser
Generalleutnant der Infantrie, Kommandeur der 83th Infanterie Division
, Wilhelm Heun, General der Infanterie, Commander 4th Heeresgruppe, Friedsrich Hossbach, Generalmajor der Artillerie, Kommandeur 33rdArtillerie Ersatz Regiment, Emiel Klie, Generalmajor der Infanterie, Kommandeur Heeres Regio 593, Walter Krause, Generalleutnant der Infanterie, Erwin Leister,
General der Flieger, Inspector of Smook Troops and Gas defence, Erich Quade and Generalmajor der Artillerie, Kommandeur vom WBK Königsberg II, Rudolf Scheller.

The 83rd Division formed the final rearguard defending the Pillau harbour mole on 25 April under command then of the divisional commander Generalmajor Maximilian Wengler.
Wengler, age 55 and members of his staff were killed by an aerial bomb on 25-04-1945, when the last German position was being held by Generalmajor Karl Henke
. Henke died 27-04-1945, age 48. Other parts of the division surrendered to Soviet forces on the Hela peninsula.

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