Beck, Ludwig August Theodor, born on 29-06-1880 in Biebrich, Rheinland

At the end of the war Beck, now a major, remained with the army and in the next 15 years served in a succession of command and staff positions. In October 1933 he was named head of the so-called Troops Office—a cover name for the General-Staff office, which had been outlawed by the Versailles Peace Treaty
of 1919. In 1935 his title was changed to chief of the General Staff of the army. In this position Beck played a large role in the rapid rearmament ordered by Hitler. He initially approved of this action, but he soon became wary of the aggressive foreign policy that accompanied the call to arms. In 1935 Beck attached a memorandum to an operational plan of war against Czechoslovakia in which he warned Hitler against such an undertaking and threatened to resign if Hitler should go through with the attack. From 1936 to 1938 Beck’s warning memorandums became more frequent as Adolf Hitler) (did you know) marched into the Rhineland
and prepared to intervene in Austria
. In the summer of 1938 Hitler’s designs on Czechoslovakia became more evident, and Beck worked feverishly for a general resignation of the entire army leadership. But he remained alone in his departure from office in August 1938.

He was promoted to the rank of Generalleutnant in 1932 and, two years later, he replaced Generaloberst der Infanterie, Wilhelm Adam
as chief of the Truppenamt, the camouflaged General Staff (the Treaty of Versailles explicitly forbade the existence of the General Staff. Originally a supporter of the Nazis, he broke with Adolf Hitler (see Alois), (and Parents)
when he learned of the plan to invade Czechoslovakia, he argued in a memo to Hitler, dated 05-05-1938, that German was no match for the combined force of the United Kingdom and France, with the latter fielding the strongest army in Europe.

As on 22-05-1938, Hitler responded by calling Beck’s thinking that of the older generation of German Army Generals. Beck in the Bendlerhof in Berlin, eventually became the major leader of the conspiracy against Hitler. He would have been provisional Head of the State had the 20 July plot succeeded. The 20 July threaten for Hitler at the Bendlerblock in Berlin was saved by Major Otto Ernst Remer
commander of the Infantry Regiment Grossdeutschland
who refused to arrest Joseph Goebbels after talking to Hitler in the Wolfschanze by phone. When Hitler discovered that Beck is plotting against the regime, he was removed from office. Replaced by Generaloberst der Infanterie, Franz Halder
, Beck continued to work closely with other opponents of Hitler including Carl Goerdeler,
Goedeler was hanged age 60 on 02-02-1945, Admiral, Wilhelm Canaris,
Hans Oster
and Ulrich Hassell. Hassel was executed age 62, on 08-09-1944.

Ullrich Hassel. Carl Goerdeler.
In the early months of 1944, Beck approached Fieldmarshal, Erwin Rommel

Death and burial ground of Beck, Ludwig August Theodor.

Message(s) for the webmaster, tips or interesting graves:
Bernhard Wölfle
Hallo Rob, ist der Name des Feldwebels bekannt der Ludwig Beck nach seinem gescheiterten Selbstmordversuch erschossen hat ? Wäre interessant ! Grüße B.W.
Rob Hopmans
Hallo lieber Wölfle, leider kann man nirgendwo finden wer Er war.
Grüsse Rob.