Babor Karl, born 23-08-1918 in Wien the son of Karl BHabor and his wife, a former Baroness Babo. Karl had one sister Dagmar Babor.
Babor was married with Lieselotte “Lotte” Landskroner.
She died 21-02-1978, age 48, in Graz, Graz, Styria, Austria of complications from surgery.
SS-Hauptsturmführer Dr. Karl Babor was an Austrian physician who was Lagerarzt (Camp Physician) in several concentration camps, including Dachau and Gross-Rosen.
In 1935 he joined the SS, Schutzstaffel/protection Squad
and the NSDAP,
at the time illegal in Austria. From November of 1941 he was, together with SS Hauptsturmführer Friedrich Karl Hermann Entress
, the camp physician of Gross-Rosen concentration camp, where he performed killings of inmates by lethal injection.
Entress was taken prisoner in Austria in May 1945 and was hanged on 28-05-1947, age 32, at Landsberg Prison.
Both received the War Merit Cross 2nd class for this. From June 1942 on Babor was a physician at the ‘Biochemische Versuchsstation’ (Bio Chemical Test Facility) in Dachau concentration camp. There he performed cruel and painful experiments on inmates and many of them died. He then was transferred to Natzweiler-Struthof
concentration camp where he also acted as the camp physician.
Here, under the direction of SS Sturmbannführer Dr Heinrich Schϋtz, blood poisoning tests were performed on camp prisoners. The aim was to test biochemical drugs, such as sulfonamides. In total, from mid-June 1942 to the end of that year, tests were carried out on groups of prisoners up to four times. During these tests, prisoners were also injected with their own pus. These tests, which were very painful and inhumane, led to the deaths of at least 28 prisoners. After these tests, Babor was deployed as a camp doctor in the Natzweiler-Struthof concentration camp.
In May 1971, Dr Heinrich Schütz was detained on remand during an investigation against him in connection with the Dachau crimes. But he was in prison only for three months. Schütz lived a pleasant life and died age 80 on 12-11-1986.
In December of 1943 Babor was transferred to SS Hauptamt DIII, the ‘Inspektion der Konzentrationslager’. From August 1944 on he became the physician of I. Bataillon des SS Panzer-Grenadier-Regiments 6 „Theodor Eicke“ der 3. SS-Panzer-Division „Totenkopf“. At the end of the war he was arrested and became a POW with the French. In the early 1950’s he migrated to Ethiopia and opened a doctor’s office in Addis Abeba. When inm the 1960’s the Austrian authorities were looking for him to have him stand trial for the crimes that he committed in the concentration camps, he committed suicide.
In the first document, dated 01-01-1943 and issued in Camp Dachau, Dr. Karl Babor notifies the SS-Personalhauptamt that he was promoted to SS-Sturmbannführer of the Waffen-SS on the Führer’s birthday 20-04-1943 and that his daughter Dagmar was born on 19-03-1943. He signed it in ink.
The second document is an evaluation of the character and performances of Dr. Karl Babor, signed by no other than the commandant of Dachau concentration camp, SS-Obersturmführer Martin Gottfried Weiss!
The evaluation was written and signed in 1943 in Dachau and Weiss. The commandant of Dachau attests that Babor is working as KL Dachau’s camp physician since August of 1942 and he has only good things to say about him, that he works well together with the camp commandant, that he is well-liked among the other SS personnel and that he is an exemplary soldier and SS man.
We have never seen, let alone offered a document that is signed by a concentration camp physician that came with an evaluation signed by the camp commandant! Weiss was also temporary commandant of Majdanek concentration camp. He was convicted of war crimes and executed in Landsberg prison in 1946.
The documents ship from one of our affiliates in Germany, coming from a private collection and never been offered for sale before. Purchased directly out of a German foundation. The seller gives a full money back guarantee for the authenticity of the document(s) and signature(s). Includes shipping worldwide.
Death and burial ground of Karl Babor.

He finished his studies without being arrested until 1952, the date at which he was identified by former deportees at Grossrosen. Fleeing, he left Vienna and Austria, and was later found in Ethiopia. In the meantime, his wife returned to Germany and decided to denounce him, contacted Simon Wiesenthal, who alerted the world press (1963).
Babor had made his will, paid his bills, put his papers in order, and took his car to the bush.Arriving at his favorite place with the crocodiles, he stripped off his clothes, folded them neatly and put them in his car, took his rifle and waded through the water among the crocodiles and walked until he could go no further, then shot himself a bullet through his heart. A place that he could not miss with his experience. A few days later, he was found in the river by American tourists, who reported their find to the Ethiopian police, who issued a report of Dr. Karl Babor’s suicide.
A newspaper in Germany ran the exclusive story of his death, blaming Simon Wiesenthal’s agents for his death, that newspaper clearly still showed Nazi sympathies. A few days later he was buried in Addis Abeda, attended by many members of the German and Austrian colonies, and the Austrian Consul General laid a wreath on Dr. Karl Babor’s grave. Karl Babor, age 45, is buried at the Ferenji Cemetery at Gulele (Adis-Abeba,Ethiopy)
My friend Vlad Daniel from Pitesti (Argeș county) in Romania was so kind to sent me the grave photo’s with thanks.

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