Anderson, John Benjamin.

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Anderson, John Benjamin, born on 10-03-1891, in Parkersburg, Iowa, United States, the son of Danish immigrants, Carl Christian Anderson and his wife Louisa Simonsen Anderson. John attended the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York and graduated on 12-06-1914. He was commissioned a Second lieutenant in the Field artillery on that date. Many of his classmates later became General Officers during World War II as he did. For example: Carl A. Spaatz, Brehon B. Somervell
Brehon_Somervell   , Frank W. Milburn
, Harold R. Bull Harold_R_Bull , he died age 83, on 01-11-1976, Harry C. Ingles   Jens A. Doe  ,384px-Jens_A._Doe he died age 79, on 25-02-1971, and Orlando Ward . Anderson was subsequently assigned to the 6th Field Artillery Regiment and transferred to El Paso, Texas with his unit, where he served on the Mexican border during the Pancho Villa Expedition. During the World War I, Anderson was sent with his 6th Field Artillery to the France, where he served as a Regimental Adjutant in the Sommerville sector in October and November 1917. In the spring of 1918, Anderson served with the British Expeditionary Forces at Ypres, Belgium and subsequently he was appointed Adjutant of the 1st Artillery Brigade. In July 1938, Anderson was transferred to the staff of the Office of the Chief of Artillery in Washington, D.C., where he was appointed Chief of Personnel Section. In this capacity, Anderson was promoted to the rank of Brigadier General at the end of October 1941. A month later, he was appointed Chief Artillery officer of the 2nd Infantry Division, Indianhead, which was stationed at Fort Sam Houston, Texas under the command of Major General  John Cliford Lee. On August 4, Anderson was promoted to the rank of Major General. On September 15, 102nd Infantry Division, nicknamed Ozark, Special Designation, File:102 INF DIV SSI.svg was activated at Camp Maxey, Texas and Major General Anderson has been appointed its commanding officer. The 102nd Infantry Division had battle casualties: 4.922 and total deaths in battle: 1.088 in 173 days of combat. The total losses of the United States were 420.00 men in the Infantry, Airforce and Marines. Anderson participated in the training with his division and served with it until December 1943. In December 1943, XVI Corps File:XVI Corps SSI.svg was activated at Fort Riley, Kansas and Anderson assumed command at the beginning of January 1944. XVI Corps participated in the winter training exercises at Watersmeet Township, Michigan and subsequently has been deployed in the European Theater of Operations. Anderson commanded the XVI Corps as part of the Ninth U.S. Army File:US Ninth Army patch.svg under General William Hood Simpson in the Rhineland Campaign and also in Central Europe Campaign. XVI Corps under Anderson’s command liberated the Dutch city of Roermond and participated in the combats in the Ruhr Pocket. Anderson was decorated for his leadership with the Army Distinguished Service Medal, Legion of Merit and Bronze Star Medal by the government of the United States. Major General Anderson also received some foreign decorations. Anderson was succeeded in the command of XVI Corps by Major General Thomas D. Finley  in October 1945 and transferred back to the United States.

Death and burial ground of Anderson, John Benjamin.

  British Field Marshal Sir Bernard Montgomery talking with Lieutenant General William Simpson and Major General John B. Anderson. Behind are General Omar Bradley and British Field Marshal Sir Alan Brooke, March 25, 1945.

He was retired from the army 30-06-1946 due to disability. Major General John Benjamin Anderson died on 01-09-1976 at the old age of 85 in Washington, D.C. and is buried together with his wife, Sue Palmer Anderson, who died age 89, on Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia,  Section 11. photo


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