Adcock, Clarence Lionel, born 23-10-1985 in Waltham, Massachusetts, attended the U.S. Military Academy from 1915 – 1918. Commissioned into the Corps of Engineers in 1918, Adcock served as G-4 (supplies and logistics) to II Corps under the command of Major General Lloyd Fredendall in the Mediterranean Theater in 1942, before performing the same duties for the Fifth Army. Promoted to Lieutenant Colonel on 12-06-1941, Colonel on 01-02-1942, Brigadier General on 18-03-1943. In 1943, he was on the Staff of Allied Forces Headquarters and then with the Sixth Army Group under General Jacob Loucks Dever
until the end of the war in Europe. In June 1945, he was appointed Deputy to the Assistant Chief of Staff, Headquarters, U.S. Forces, European Theater (USFET); and then as Major General from 26-09-1945, appointed Assistant Chief of Staff in July 1945. He served as Director of the Office of Military Government for the U.S. Zone in Germany from October 1945 to March 1946, and as Assistant Deputy Military Governor for Operations and Deputy to the Commanding General Lucius Dubignon Clay,
Office of Military Government for Germany, from April to October 1946. Adcock received a number of awards for his service, including the Distinguished Service Medal, Honorary Commander of the Order of the British Empire and the Croix de Guerre avec palmes. Adcock retired from active duty in 1947, but was recalled to serve as the U.S. Chairman of the Bipartite Control Office, part of the Military Government in Germany.
Death and burial ground of Adcock, Clarence Lionel.

He retired again in 1949, and died in Tucson, Arizona, age 71, on 09-01-1967. He is buried on Arlington National Cemetery, Section 3, in Virginia, with his wife Inez G , who died old age 83, on 02-12-1990. Also buried in Section 3, 1* General Major, Chief of Staff, 4th Army, Lewis Charles Beebe 1* Brigadier General, Assistant Commanding General 78th Division, nickname “Lightning” . This unit had the next casualties during their campaign, killed in action 1.427, wounded in action 6.103 and died of wounds 198. Also buried here, John Kirkland Rice, General Lieutenant, Frank Cadle Mahin, commander of the 45th Division, General Lieutenant, Commander 84th Infantry Division Third Army , Alexander Russel “Bolling” Bolling, Major General, Commander, G1 (Personnel) Section, Headquarters SHAEF, Charles Hartwell Bonesteel, 101st Airborne General, Anthony McAuliffe
the Bastogne defender, Major General. Commander, 7th Armoured Division, Truman Boudinot, Commanded the 25st Infantry Division during the Attack on Pearl Harbor Maxwell Murray, Major General, adviser MacArthur. Corps Engineers, Hugh Casey, Major General, “Father of the Armoured Forces”, Adna Chaffee, Lieutenant General, Chief of Staff, Hugh Drum,
Lieutenant General, 3rd Service Command and Deputy, Manton Eddy, Rear Admiral, U Boot 505, Daniel Gallery, Lieutenant General, Quartermaster U.S. Army, Thomas Larkin and Marine Corps General, Iwo Jima-Guadalcanal-Okinawa, Randolh Pate.

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